Urban Design Seminar: ‘Laboratory for Suburbia’

Urban Design Seminar: ‘Confronting Urbanization: Research on the Interactive Tissue of Urban Life’

Urban Design Seminar: ‘Territories-Watersheds-Infrastructures’

Global Urbanism Studio: ‘Double Vision: A Comparative Studio Starring Johannesburg & Kampala’

Metropolitan Design Elements Studio: ‘Cool Futures: The Mega Non-City in the MID’

Metropolitan Design Elements Studio: ‘We the People: Capital City Urbanism in Washington D.C.”

Elements of Urban Design Studio: ‘Impossible STL’

Landscape Architecture Seminar: ‘Landscape Technology’

Landscape Architecture Seminar: ‘Integrated Planting Design’

Landscape Architecture Seminar: ‘Introduction to Planting Design: Designed Plant Communities’

Landscape Architecture Seminar: ‘Visualizing Ecological Processes’

Landscape Architecture Design V-VI: Thesis Studio

Landscape Architecture Design IV: ‘From the Bird’s Point to the Bird’s Foot’

Landscape Architecture Design III: ‘Confluences II: St. Louis and Its Hinterlands’

Landscape Architecture Design II: ‘Locating Vitality in the Post-Trolley Delmar Landscape’

Landscape Architecture Design I: ‘Play Again, Again: Landscape Memory Path’

Seminar: ‘Precast Concrete Enclosures’

Seminar: ‘Advanced Building Systems’

Seminar: ‘Dynamic Materialism and Urbanism’

Seminar: ‘Fabricated Drawings’

Seminar: ‘Architectural Representation II’

Seminar: ‘Architectural Representation I’

Degree Project

Degree Project

Degree Project

Degree Project

Degree Project

Options Studio: ‘Ultimate Openness’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Habilitation Learning Center’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Making Water Present’

Options Studio: ‘Reusing Suburbia’

Options Studio: ‘Concrete Skins’

Options Studio: ‘Horizontal Skyscraper’

Options Studio: ‘Flexing Place Compact’

Options Studio: ‘Narratives Come and Narratives Go’

Options Studio: ‘A Flirtation With Castlewood’

Architecture Core Studio: ‘The Body Active: The Body Collective’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Buenos Aires: Links’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Habilitation for Xi’an’

Options Studio: ‘Ghost Sanctuary’

Comprehensive Options Studio: A Montessori School: Space and Learning in Contemporary Elementary Education

Options Studio: ‘Eads Bridge Tower’

Options Studio: ‘Coworking and Living in the City: Seville’s Historic Center in the 21st Century’

Options Studio: ‘Privatized! Reasserting Architecture for the People’

Options Studio: ‘Studio Gmür’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Extreme Environments: Radical Architecture’

International Housing Studio: ‘San Juan: Tropical Thresholds, La Puntilla’

International Housing Studio: ‘Cagliari: Spaces of Relation and Privacy’

International Housing Studio: ‘Barcelona: La Barceloneta Port’

International Housing Studio: ‘Halifax: E Mari Merces—From the Sea, Wealth’

Architecture Core Studio I: ‘Picture Houses: Accumulating Images’

Seminar: ‘Confronting Urbanization: Research On the (Inter)-Active Tissue of Urban Life’

Lively Cities – Core Studio: ‘Life Along the (e)L’

Seminar: ‘Integrated Planting Design’

Seminar: Introduction to Planting Design: ‘Designed Plant Communities’

Landscape Architectural Representation II: ‘Digital Tools’

Landscape Architecture Design IV Core Studio: ‘Landscapes of Science: Designing the Missouri River Valley’

Landscape Architecture Design II – Core Studio: ‘Play Again: Landmarks’

Seminar: ‘The Thin Side of Concrete’

Seminar: ‘Documenting Le Corbusier’

Architectural Representation Seminar II: ‘Image Fictions: Realism and the Aesthetics of Doubt’

Architectural Representation Seminar II: ‘Image Fictions: Realism and the Aesthetics of Doubt’

Degree Project

Degree Project

Options Studio: ‘Advanced Material and Process: An Entirely 3D-Printed Multifamily Building’

Options Studio Comprehensive: ‘Structure, Light, Atmosphere – Spaces for Art’

Options Studio: ‘CIAdc’

Options Studio: ‘Infrastructural Opportunism // Hyperloop One’

Options Studio: ‘Dwelling On Climate and Use’

International Summer Studio: ‘Barcelona: Intersections”

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Sun Without and Shadows Within: An Archive of Ancient Religions An Addition to Louis I. Kahn’s (Unbuilt) Hurva Synagogue in Jerusalem, Israel’

Options Studio: ‘The Border’

Options Studio: ‘Levitation: Gravity Falls’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Shared Sites: Design for Intergenerational Aging’

Options Studio: ‘Inclusion and Neighborhood Resilience [v. 2.0]: Designing for Equity in Metamorphic Cities’

Options Studio: ‘Eye Spy with My Machine Eye’

Options Studio: ‘Living Together: Housing as a Social Condenser’

Architecture Core Studio: ‘The Body Active: The Body Collective’

Architecture Core Studio: ‘The Body Active: The Body Collective’

Global Urbanism – Core Studio Abroad: ‘Rand to Reef Rhizome’

Elements of Urban Design- Core Studio: ‘The Future Great City of the World’

Landscape Architectural Representation I: ‘Hand Drafting, Drawing, & Sketching’

Seminar: ‘Modern and Contemporary Landscape Architecture’

Landscape Architecture Design V – Core Studio: ‘Freaked Landscapes’

Landscape Architecture Design III – Core Studio: ‘Confluences: Fort Defiance and Its Hinterlands’

Landscape Architecture Design I – Core Studio: ‘Speciesism’

Seminar: ‘Into Detail: The Architectural Detail, Up Close and In Context’

Seminar: ‘Expanding Skin’

Seminar: ‘Fabricated Drawings’

Seminar: ‘Building Systems’

Architectural Representation Seminar I

Architectural Representation Seminar I

Degree Project

Degree Project

Degree Project

Degree Project

Degree Project

Summer Studio Abroad in Barcelona: ‘Intersections’

Comprehensive Options Studio Abroad: ‘Buenos Aires: Links’

Options Studio Comprehensive: ‘Social Hybrids: The Construction of a Community’

Option Studios: ‘Domestic Mutations in the Sharing Economy’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Rethinking Sustainability: Towers at Chicago’s Lakeshore East’

Options Studio: ‘Tokyo 2020’

Options Studio: ‘Inhabiting an Axis Mundi: A Vertical Monastery in Florence, Italy’

Options Studio: ‘Holocaust Memorial Florence, Italy: Remembrance, Indifference, Complicity’

Options Studio: ‘Faux Terrain: The Art of War’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Extreme Environments’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Extreme Environments’

Comprehensive Options Studio: ‘Extreme Environments’

International Housing Studio: ‘San Juan. Tropical Thresholds’

International Housing Studio: ‘Halifax. – E Mari Merces – From the Sea, Wealth’

International Housing Studio: ‘Dublin. A Door of One’s Own’

International Housing Studio: ‘Seattle. Yesler Congregation’

International Housing Studio: ‘Barcelona. La Barceloneta’

Architecture Core Studio I: ‘Picture Houses: Accumulating Images’

Architecture Core Studio I: ‘Picture Houses: Accumulating Images’